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Awaxaawipp穩ia an exclusive excerpt from The Crazies: the Cattleman, the Wind Prospector, and a War Out West

The Crazy Mountains have drawn human beings almost from the moment they emerged from the ice sheets that covered Montana in the Last Glacial Maximum. The Aps獺alooke had always known this; the rest of the world would begin to discover it one spring day in 1968, when a construction worker named Ben Hargis tore into a sandstone cliff near the town of Wilsall with his front-end loader.

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A lasagna to launch the New Year

This vegetarian lasagna has been a hit even with people who regularly eat meat. Ive been tempted to serve it without telling them its vegetarian just to see if anyone even notices. Its rich, hearty, and filling whats not to like?

A treat worth sipping

In this gift-giving season, we are more than usually inclined to share something sweet with our close friends, family, and neighbors. This holiday, I have a recipe that could end up being a favorite for any age celebrant: colorful homemade marshmallows featuring a cameo of crushed candy canes.

Giving thanks for the Kentucky Hot Brown

About 10 years ago I discovered my personal favorite turkey leftover dish. It came into the world thanks to a creative chef at the Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. Its the more-than-a-century-old Kentucky Hot Brown open-face hot sandwich. And in the spirit of giving thanks, I want to thank the good people of Kentucky for

Are you Team Dressing or Team Stuffing?

The very best dressing needs to combine the right bread, evocative aromatics, plenty of fall-leaning herbs, some fat for flavor, a bit of texture, and a pop of sweetness. That is how I developed this Intermediate Chef Dressing, which has become standard fare for every holiday menu I craft.

Pretzel-crusted schnitzel: a delicious nod to Deutschland

In Montana, you are far more likely to find chicken-fried steak on a restaurant menu than an authentic schnitzel. While these close culinary cousins share some similarities, its worth noting a few tasty differences that should have you frying up your own homemade schnitzel by the end of this column.

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